When our homes become a place of constant work and chores, it prevents us from relaxing and unwinding from our workday. Chores can take a toll on your energy, productiveness, and mental health.
If you have kids, don’t forget that they can help you around the house. Teaching your children when they are young sets the expectation that a clean and tidy home is essential and creates a more structured, less stressful day for you.
Where do we begin?
House meetings
This is a vital step in beginning and maintaining a collective team with your spouse and kids. Meetings allow you to express your expectations, limitations, and goals.
Think about energy levels
Try to schedule chore time when your kids have more energy to exert. You do not want them to begin 20 minutes before nap time or when you know they will be less willing to participate.
Switch it up
Especially with younger children, it can be more fun for them if they alternate chores each week.
You can have fun with chore time. Talk and play and maybe turn it into a game!
- Jam out to songs you know that the kids will love to be active to.
- Pretend to be a monster while chasing your little one around who will eat the toys unless they are put away in the “Safe Zone.”
- Make it a scavenger hunt. Have a color-coded bin for like toys. Prompt them to find all the dinosaurs, then the trucks, then the LEGOs and place them in the appropriate bins.
- Race for the laundry bin. Who can get all their dirty laundry into the bin first?
Always praise and give rewards for good behavior and hard work. Make a reward chart. Set a play date, or an adventure for your kids that they can look forward to.
Shared chores will transform your entire day, giving you the everyday help you deserve. It teaches your children to help others. It shows them the value of keeping their spaces clean and organized. It teaches kids that when you take care of your things and your space, you know where everything is.
Shared chores also gives everyone a sense of being a part of a team. Maybe one parent puts away the leftover food, another parent takes out the garbage, one kid washes dishes, another dries, and another puts them away. And before you know it, you are all watching a movie relaxing on the couch together.
Even if you have children who are older, it is never too late to ask for help and to create a healthier, happier environment for you and your family.
Let us know what you think! What chores do your kids do that help you tremendously? If this is something you are just trying out now, how is it helping you and your family?